FIND: \s{2,}

I used to find more than one blank space and then I replaced the multiple spaces with “,” for CSV formatting.

FIND:(\w+), (\w+), (.+)
REPLACE:\2 \1 (\3)

I used (+) to capture the first letter and the rest of the word and put the “,” outside of the () to get rid of the comma. I repeated it for the second word and for the college names I used (.+) to select the rest of the line.

I ordered the first two words of each line as \2 \1 and then to put word (\3) in parentheses to put them in parentheses.

FIND: (.mp3)

I searched for (.mp3) with a space afterwards to locate the end of the desired text and then to replace the added text I put o return after each song.

FIND: ^(\d+)(.*)(\.mp3)
REPLACE: \2_\1\3

To grab all of the first digits I used ^(), (.*) to grab the rest of the line (.mp3) to grab the third mp3. Then I reordered them in the way they needed to.

FIND: (\w)\w+,(\w+),(\d+.\d+),(\d+)
REPLACE: \1_\2,\4

I used () to select the first character and the + to select for the rest of the characters in the word, the “,” was used to separate the words and the (+) was used to select all of the characters in the second word, (.) selects the digits and the subsequent digits after the “.” and the () selects the last digit. To replace, the “_” after 1 was added and \3 was dropped because we don’t need it for what was asked of this question.

FIND: (\w)\w+,(\w{4})\w+,(\d+.\d+),(\d+)
REPLACE: \1_\2,\4

All of the same for the previous question but the {4} was used to select only for the first 4 letters of the second word. The replace was the same.


Again everything was the same as question 5 and {3} was used to select for just the first 3 letters of word one and two. The replace statment also changed the order of the last two numbers.